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Body Image and Body Positivity Lesson


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We think about body image and body positivity as issues adolescents face, but upper elementary and early middle school students encounter concerns around these areas as well! This body image lesson focuses on 1) learning about the impact of negative body talk on themselves and others, 2) developing body positivity toward themselves, and 3) practicing what to do when they hear negative body talk towards a peer.


Resource Breakdown:


  • Slideshow to guide the lesson, including opener
  • Small group practice activity
  • Whole group practice activity
  • Closing questions via slideshow and exit tickets


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What others are saying...

Great product! My students really loved this and it kept them engaged. ~Ashley R. 
I loved this resource. After one of my fourth graders reported that students were teasing her about her small stature, I found this resource and we used during morning circle. The slides were very clear and the team sorting game was VERY engaging and sparked conversation among the teams. ~Renee N.


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