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Individual Counseling Check In Tool for Structuring Sessions


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This interactive lapbook is a great way to start and end individual counseling sessions. It gives you a quick idea of how the student is doing when they come in and where their head’s at when they leave. This tool is something that can be used with each session with students – consistency in counseling sessions can be very therapeutic! Structured sessions are also aligned with cognitive behavioral theory and solution focused theory.

The lapbook allows the student to identify how they are currently feeling, how they felt since your last session, how they view school/home/friends, and what they want to talk about. When they check out, students identify if they’re feeling better, a positive self-affirmation to remember, and how they want to say goodbye. Velcro pieces, sliders, and clips allow for the student to respond visually and physically to the prompts.


  • Printing and assembly directions
  • All the pages needed for the lapbook

Additional supplies needed: file folder, 4 paperclips, glue, velcro dots, and a clothespin or binder clip).


✨Glowing Praise for This Resource✨

“This has greatly improved my check in routine for my individual counseling students. They like that it is interactive and that they can move the pieces around.” ~Laura B.

“This is one of the most favorite tools I purchased from the Responsive Counselor! My students enjoy expressing how they feel using this check-in tool, and helps to provide structure to my sessions. […] I highly recommend this product!” ~Helen N.


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This resource now includes an interactive Google Slides (TM) version for virtual counseling. The content is the same, but has students using drag and drop for their responses. You can do this “live” with students – video chatting with them and screen sharing. Or, you can send it to them to work on independently (all they need is a Google account). If you don’t use google classroom, students can share it with you by clicking the yellow share button and emailing it to you!


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What others are saying...

“I’m a therapist, and I found this tool very helpful at the beginning of sessions with elementary school aged clients. It’s a good way to gauge their feelings so I have better insight into how/where to gear the session.”

“This has been the best thing I have bought on TpT. As a new counselor, I use this with everyone of my clients. It provides the perfect structure to the beginning and end of our sessions. Highly recommend!”

“I use this daily with students to begin counseling sessions and focus in on events of the past week since they have seen me. Now students are looking for the folder when they walk in the door and we are able to quickly focus in on feelings words and meaningful reflection of the previous week,”
