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The Big Cheese Lesson and Activities for Social Emotional Learning


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Jory John’s “The Big Cheese” is a fantastic book with several SEL themes that make it great for whole class lessons, small group counseling, and individual counseling. This social emotional learning resource is a set of activities that companion wonderfully with the book. Activities cover the following ideas and skill areas: sportsmanship/being a good sport, humility, bragging, and doing things for fun (vs. to win or impress others).

Also includes Google Slides (TM) for most of the activities!

Resource includes:

  • Lesson plan including discussion questions while reading the story
  • Whole or small group movement-based intro activity
  • 5 different worksheets
  • Craftivity/Mini-Book
  • Whole group processing activity (with directions for students to do in small groups or all together for emerging readers) using discussion cards


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What others are saying...

My students and I loved this! I had purchased all of your other “Food Group” resources and was so glad to see this one! ~Debbie L. 

My students have loved this resource. They were engaged, openly discussing, and enjoyed moving around the room while they worked. ~Morgan N. 
