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The Invisible Boy Lesson Plan for Upper Elementary


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Trudy Ludwig’s “The Invisible Boy” is the perfect story for developing empathy and inclusion with students. This upper elementary lesson plan is a companion to the book and helps kids delve deeper into the meaning of inclusion and how to make sure everyone is feeling included.
• Written lesson plan aligned to ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors and CASEL Competencies
• Anchor chart labels
• Movement based activity for practicing inclusion, including visuals for discussion questions
• Exit Ticket
This resource is a set of companion activities to go along with the story “The Invisible Boy” by Trudy Ludwig. The book is not included in this resource and needs to be purchased separately 
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What others are saying...

“The lesson plan was very thorough and the materials are very helpful! My students were engaged throughout the entire lesson! I also loved the exit ticket idea as it gives me information, as a counselor, of who to keep my eye on!”

“The components were perfect for my lesson. It made the kids reflective of their own behavior towards others & gave me a good assessment with the exit ticket.”

“This is a great resource. This lesson really stuck with my students. We read it for National Bully Prevention Month. The ice breaker (stand up, sit down) was eye opening to them. The discussion questions throughout the book helped the students to comprehend the story on a deeper level. I turned the anchor chart into the class’s assignment on google classroom. I created 3 different slides and had students work together to write what inclusion looks like, sounds like, and feels like, then they shared with the class. Thank you!”
