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School Counseling Portfolio


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Don’t stress about creating a school counseling portfolio for interviews or evaluations – let me do the work for you! These counselor portfolio templates were created to be used in two ways: 
  1. For organizing documents and artifacts to use in evaluations with your administrator(s) and or district supervisor(s).
  2. To present in interviews for counseling positions.
This resource includes printable, Google Slides (editable), and PowerPoint (editable) versions of the following documents for three different portfolio designs:
  • Portfolio Cover
  • Binder Spines
  • Binder Tabs
  • Table of Contents Template (Slides and PPT only)
  • About Me Template (Slides and PPT only)
  • Philosophy Template (Slides and PPT only)
  • References Template (Slides and PPT only)\
  • Section Header Pages for:
  • Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Philosophy
  • Lesson Plans
  • Sample Group and Individual Activities
  • Use of Data
  • Schoolwide Programming
  • School Culture and Climate
  • Family Involvement
  • Professional Development
  • Stakeholder Consultation
  • Behavior
  • Additional Artifacts
  • Previous Evaluations
Information is included on each slide to show/remind which parts you’ll need to edit and to give suggestions of what sort of documentation to include in the sections.
Open the preview to see more details!
Note: If you wish to edit using PowerPoint and you are using a MAC, you will likely need to download and install the three free fonts used in the resource. Links are included for this.


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What others are saying...

“Love this portfolio. Great resources to have to organize and showcase counseling skills and experience! Thanks!!”

“I used this when preparing for an interview, and have continued to use it to build my portfolio as I continue through getting my school counseling degree. This was super helpful and easy to use. Looked very nice when put all together. I received many compliments at the interview and after.”

“This bundle makes it easy to put together my portfolio by using the preset themes and headers. I also have the ability to choose from several options of these preset items. This is great for a new counselor or a “seasoned” counselor (like myself) who wants to keep my portfolio up-to-date. Thank you for the great resource!”
