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Compliments Lesson Plan NO PREP


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Compliments make everyone feel great and can increase kindness and positive class culture and community. Many of our students need to be explicitly taught how to give and receive compliments, however, especially inside compliments. It’s a very important social skill!
This resource is an animated and interactive PowerPoint with several opportunities for students to practice the skill of giving and receiving compliments. This presentation is not editable but can be used with PC’s, Mac’s, and uploaded into Google Slides.
  • PowerPoint covering: what is a compliment, how compliments make people feel, inside vs. outside compliments, how to give a compliment, how to receive a compliment, and lots of opportunities for students to share and practice
  • Scripted lesson plan
  • Sentence stem cards
  • Additional worksheet practice
*Open the preview for more details!*
Works on PCs or MACs and can be uploaded into Google Slides. Not-editable. 


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What others are saying...

“My students loved using this resource during guidance lessons! They really got into the practice of giving and receiving compliments and got very creative with the fun ways to compliment one another.”

“My first grade students were really struggling with both giving and receiving compliments. This lesson helped! I received great parent feedback from it, too. Will definitely use again next year!”

“Enjoyed pairing this powerpoint with a kindness book for my 1st graders as a way to show kindness to others. It helped in describing not only outside compliments but the inside ones too!”
