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Distance Learning Expectations and Strategies Lesson



This lesson was created to help elementary students understand what it means to be a distance learner. It teaches some expectations for behavior and provides some strategies for success.
  • Find your learning space(s).
  • Try your best.
  • Be respectful.
  • Do some fun things that don’t involve screens.
  • Ask for help!
*Open the preview and watch the preview video for more details of the slides included!*
There are two different options for how this lesson can be given to your students:
1. Self-Guided:
-Students go through all of the slides independently, reading the ones talking about the transitions and completing the activities on the interactive slides
2. Video Presentation + Activities:
-Add your own narration to the PowerPoint then export it as a video to share with students
-Then share just the interactive slides with them to complete
3. Live lesson
-Using whatever distance learning platform your school uses, go through the slides together with your class(es)
You can post the slides as an assignment in Google Classroom™ (just make sure to select “make a copy for each student”) or you can share with any student (or parent) that has a Google login. It also will work as a PowerPoint assignment for Microsoft Teams.


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What others are saying...

“This made the first week a breeze for distance learning. We were all a little scared but really enjoyed this resource to guide our conversations and learning. Thank you!”

“This resource was highly useful when going over appropriate rules and expectations with my distance learners. I referred back to these alot.”

“I used this as a lesson while we were still doing virtual learning. I used screencastify to add my voice to the Google Slides presentation and then used the Interactive Google Slides in the classwork section. Students liked the lesson and it was easy to use!”
