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Reputation and Character Activities


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This product is a set of activities to help students better understand reputations, personal values, and positive character traits. There are options for use in individual counseling, small group counseling, and whole class lessons!
• Written lesson plan with ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors and CASEL Competencies
• Cards for 26 different upper elementary/early middle school reputations, large and small format
• Character scenarios for each reputation
• Puzzles for each reputation/character trait
• Exit ticket
• SCOOT sheet (Both “What’s the reputation/character trait?” and “How much does this describe me?” options)
• Directions on different activities to use the resources in
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What others are saying...

“This is a great activity to discuss reputation. I appreciate the movement the lesson allows and the variety of ways that the lesson can be taught. “

“My students loved this lesson! It was the best discussion we have had this year. Many did not know what reputation meant and this lesson was a great starter to our character unit. “

“I used this for 5th graders and it worked perfectly to teach reputation. I liked that these reputations were positive reputations and not focusing on the negative. It was a perfect lesson for 30 minutes counseling class.”
