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Feelings Puzzles to Increase Emotional Vocabulary


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Help students expand their emotional vocabulary in a hands on way with these puzzles! Use in small group counseling or as a center for classroom guidance lessons.
This resource includes:
• 12 full color emotion puzzles, each with title, definition, and example
• Feelings covered: disappointed, hopeful, grateful, proud, ashamed, embarrassed, loved, worried, frustrated, jealous, confident, determined
• Blackline versions includes
• Roll and respond prompts for using a die to extend the discussion and understanding
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Also Included In

Click below to save 20% by buying this resource bundled with 5 other feelings exploration lessons!

What others are saying...

“We used this both for general ed students and for small group with my students with autism. They BOTH loved the resources in this pack! We loved the puzzle, and they helped to have visuals close by to refer back to as we played the dice game!”

“A simple but fun and effective way to work on expanding emotional vocabulary! “
