Need a Meet the Counselor lesson (or Meet the School Social Worker lesson) for 3rd-5th grade to introduce yourself and your role? This resource has everything you need to keep it engaging and clear, so your students will know how you can help!
Use the slideshow to discuss your role, self-referral system, and confidentiality. Activities are included for students to practice their understanding of the school counselor’s role and begin discussing some of the topics to come in future lessons.
Open the preview for more details!
Want something that educates your students’ grownups about your role? An editable letter to parents and caregivers is also included.
*Note that limited text in the PowerPoint slideshow is editable, as specified in the preview. You can upload the file into Google Slides, however Google Slides doesn’t allow for custom fonts so editable text will be different.
*Includes a separate slideshow for school social workers as well as school counsellors, and versions of the caregiver handout for these titles as well!