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Meet the Counselor Lesson for K-2 for Introducing the Role of the School Counselor


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Need a Meet the Counselor lesson (or Meet the School Social Worker lesson) for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade to introduce yourself and your role? This resource has everything you need to keep it engaging and simple, so your students will know how you can help!

Use the slideshow to walk students through the day in the life of school counselor Mr. Parker to teach them about some of the things counselors do each day, then students practicing showing you what they know through a sit/stand activity.

Four different worksheets are included for an independent activity (two coloring, one drawing, one cut-and-paste) that also serve as reminders to parents and caregivers about your role. Want something that educates their grownups even more? An editable letter to parents and caregivers is also included!

*Includes a separate slideshow for school social workers, and versions of the worksheet with this language as well!


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What others are saying...

This was great for my littles to learn about the role of the school counselor. ~Brittani D.

I used this with my kindergarten students and they really seemed to enjoy it. They especially enjoyed the “field trip” to my office; what a great idea! ~Heather H. 
