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Personal Values Lesson


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Identifying your personal values is a crucial self-awareness skill! Our personal values guide us and our decision-making. This SEL lesson on personal values gives upper elementary students the opportunity to understand the importance of their values and to identify their own personal values. This strengthens their self-esteem and identity while also providing a foundation for responsible decision-making and resisting peer pressure.
Included in the resource:
  • ASCA and CASEL aligned lesson plan
  • Slideshow to guide that lesson that teaches and models what personal values are and how they impact us
  • Partner practice activity for identifying personal values
  • Extension worksheet
  • Closing questions in slideshow and exit tickets
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What others are saying...

I really liked this lesson! It kept 5th graders engaged during a lesson in May… which says all you need to know! 🙂 I think this will be a keeper in my yearlong scope and sequence. ~Allison Y. 
Very engaging activity to help students understand and begin to identify their own personal values. ~Breianna B. 
