Elementary Group Counseling Curriculum Bundle


Original price was: $117.00.Current price is: $94.50.

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Looking for some complete small group counseling curriculums to use with your elementary students? Here are eight amazing ones bundled together for you! Perfect for social emotional behavioral MTSS, IEP counseling, or group counseling within your school counseling program. They are engaging, hands-on, skills-based, and full of developmentally appropriate activities with relevant scenarios.

  1. Flower Girls – Healthy Friendships 2nd-4th
  2. Be More Awesome Boys Group – Feelings, Self-Control, Social Skills 3rd-5th
  3. Weather Life’s Challenges – For Changing Families, Sticky Life Situations, or Extra Tier 2 Support 2nd-4th
  4. Monster Feelings – Emotional Identification, Expression, and Regulation K-2nd
  5. Primary Social Skills – Friendships, Feelings, and Self-Control K-2nd
  6. Upper Elementary Social Skills
  7. Cognitive Behavioral Activities for Emotional Regulation
  8. Friendship and Social Skills – for 1st-3rd


✨Glowing Praise for This Resource✨

“This resource has been super helpful. I’ve used many of the groups throughout the school year and it is so nice to have a full group curriculum ready. It covered most of my needs for elementary counseling groups. […].” ~ Deliberate Counselor


“I love these small group curriculums, especially the boys small group. It is all laid out and easy to use. You could just print, read, and implement, other than a little cutting, if you aren’t going to laminate your cards/Materials. […]I also like that it has all of the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors that it covers. Very thorough. I will definitely get more resources like this from The Responsive Counselor! (And I do have other resources already too :)). “ Terry F.


**Open the preview of each group for more details! **

What others are saying...

“Great Bundle! It includes many of my most requested intervention topics Your lesson plans are amazing, so well thought out and easy to follow. You really thought of everything! My students love coming to group!!”

“I loved the variety of topics included in this bundle – it matched well with the needs of the kids I was seeing in groups. Easy prep and students were engaged! Great resource!”

“Loved this resource, especially the boy’s group that focuses on building self-esteem and self control throughout the curriculum, rather than a single lesson on each. All of the different groups are a nice change from some of my other resources, especially when a student needs multiple ways to examine the same difficulty (e.g. healthy friendships).”


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Original price was: $117.00.Current price is: $94.50.