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Check In Check Out Behavior Intervention Guide and Documents


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Check In, Check Out (CICO) is an evidence-based tier 2 behavior intervention for students. It combines adult attention, frequent feedback, self-monitoring, and reinforcement. CICO is for students who are motivated by adult attention/connection and that have moderate levels of misbehavior across multiple settings. This resource has EVERYTHING you need to roll out this behavior management program at your school!

This resource includes:

  • 10 page guide (“How To” and “What If”)
  • Editable daily point sheets (3 or 4 target behaviors, smileys, 0-1-2, 1-2-3 and 5, 6, 7, 8 periods)
  • Editable parent letter
  • Editable substitute letter
  • Editable mentor guide/script
  • Editable faculty training PPT (PC and MAC compatible)
  • Folder cover
  • Data tracking sheets
  • Fidelity checklists
  • Hall pass
  • Graduation certificate

NOTE: On the daily point sheets, only the expectation wording (3 or 4) and period titles are editable (for 5, 6, 7, 8 periods). Nothing else can be made editable. I am not able to do special request edits at this time. You can add white boxes over unneeded sections.

✨Glowing Praise for This Resource✨

This was very helpful in tracking my students’ behavior progress! My student really enjoyed being able to check in with me and this helped them to be accountable for their actions. I highly recommend this resource and plan on using this again with students next year. -Ashley T.

“This product is awesome. Just what I needed to design a Check IN and Check OUT program with our Guidance Counselor. Love it and especially the PowerPoint to help teach the staff about this wonderful strategy.” -Obsessed with Learning


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What others are saying...

“This resource is amazing! I especially appreciate the explanation pages to help educate teachers/parents about the CICO process.”

“I loved how many options are provided in this guide! The documents can be tailored to be used with a variety of students and student needs. It was also very visually appealing, which I greatly appreciated!”

“This is a great bundle for CICO! Everything is set up and super user friendly. I have had great success using this with several students since I purchased it. Thank you!”
