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Behavior Intervention Guide for Elementary Counselors and MTSS


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This behavior intervention guide is for elementary school counselors, MTSS behavior teams, or other educators who need help coordinating and implementing appropriate tier 2 and tier 3 behavior interventions. It provides information, intervention ideas, and tools to use when supporting students with behavior needs.
The guide uses three different lenses to conceptualize behavior and behavior support:
  • Unmet Needs and Needs-Based Interventions
  • Lagging Skills and Skills-Based Interventions
  • Competing Motivations and Positive Reinforcement Interventions
For each lens, it explains the concepts behind it, clues it might be the right way to conceptualize the student, and several intervention ideas. 
It can be used both proactively as a learning tool to develop your own behavior consultation skills and reactively to intervene with individual student behaviors. A flowchart is included to help you decide where to start – which is a big help because this is an 80+ page guide!
***Please look at the preview which shows more of what’s included (and what’s not included, like info on doing FBAs). ***


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What others are saying...

“Very helpful for getting ideas and structuring plans with teachers. I received no training in grad school on behavior intervention, and barely any in my position since getting hired, but it is becoming a larger and larger piece of what I’m asked to help with. This guide keeps me from feeling totally lost.”

“This is one of the best resources for MTSS, Easy to use and implement. Will be using it a lot for interventions with kids.”

“My school does not have a behavior specialist so this was very helpful for me to have ideas for interventions for specific behaviors. It also helped me understand the function of behaviors I was seeing and helped me support the teachers with ideas and strategies. So much of my job (elementary level school counselor) is about behavior, which was not covered hardly at all in my Master’s program so I am grateful for this resource!”
