Restorative Practices Conferencing Think Sheets and Restorative Circles


Original price was: $8.50.Current price is: $7.25.

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Restorative practices are an effective way to improve class and school culture, decrease negative behaviors, and develop successful citizens of the school and world. These tools help you implement the practices in a developmentally appropriate way for elementary students!
Restorative circles are one important component of restorative practices. In circles, power and responsibility are shared and equal among all members. The restorative circle prompts in this resource help develop the social-emotional skills needed for restorative practices to take hold and be effective in your classroom and school.
Restorative Practices or Restorative Justice behavior reflection sheets are for students to use when they have broken a rule/failed to meet a school expectation. It is particularly powerful when someone else was harmed due to their actions. It’s perfect when the teacher/administrator/dean doesn’t have time in the moment to have a discussion with the student but can talk through the sheet with them later. They are also great for students who have trouble thinking when they’re in the ‘hot seat’ and do better processing alone with a think sheet first.
This resource includes:
  • Choices/Behavior Think Sheet in three differentiated options: visual, selected response, and fill-in-the blank
  • Two example completed sheets for each type
  • Slideshow for teaching students how to use the think sheets
  • Scaffolding instructions to help students complete the forms independently
  • Apology/restitution note forms
  • I-message note form
  • Restorative conference questions (in elementary friendly terms) lanyard cards
  • Restorative conference questions and de-escalation script in front/back poster reminder
  • 126 restorative circle prompts for class meetings. Some are discussion questions, others are about sharing personal beliefs and experiences, and some ask about specific scenarios/situations. The prompts cover:
    • Identifying Feelings in Self and Others
    • Expressing and Regulating Feelings
    • Responsibilities in the Classroom and School
    • Taking Responsibility For My Own Actions
    • Choices and Consequences
    • Peaceful Conflict Resolution
    • Apologies and Forgiveness
    • Perspective Taking and Empathy
  • One page list of 14 prompts to use for problem-solving restorative circles (when a problem has already occurred or is occurring that needs to be handled restoratively as a class)
  • Circle Norms poster
  • Affective statement posters
  • Apology sentence stems posters
Open the previews for more details!


“This is a great bundle for CICO! Everything is set up and super user friendly. I have had great success using this with several students since I purchased it. Thank you!”

“The best resource I have found to implement restorative justice concepts with elementary kids! All of my students engaged so well with them.”

“If you are looking to incorporate restorative practices into your MTSS program, this set has everything you need! I would have been lost without this bundle.”

Original price was: $8.50.Current price is: $7.25.