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Social Boundaries Lesson and Friendship Skills


Grades: , ,


This resource is for teaching upper elementary students about friendship boundaries and solving conflict in friendships. It focuses on identifying the personal boundaries (togetherness vs. exclusion, fun vs. mean joking, caring vs. hurtful touching, sharing ideas vs. controlling/bossing, saying negative vs. positive things about a friend), generating examples of behaviors on the okay and not okay side of boundaries, and giving I-statements to friends. It’s a great SEL lesson or guidance lesson.
If you want to first start with a lesson on all the positive things to do in a friendship, check out this lesson on healthy friendships.
The lesson includes:
•45 Slide presentation to guide discussion and activities with suggested scripting for each slide
•Independent reflection activities: printable worksheets & interactive Google Slides™
•Recommended book companion list
•Follow-up discussion questions printable (so teachers can continue the learning)
It is aligned to American School Counseling Association’s Mindsets & Behaviors, and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning’s (CASEL) Core Competency of Relationship Skills.
The presentation is MAC and PC compatible with a Google Sides™ link included in the lesson plan. The presentation is NOT editable, although slides can be hidden or deleted.
✨Glowing Praise for This Resource✨
“This lesson really got my students thinking about their own friendships and what they want out of them. The worksheets were great for processing the lesson and I found my students to find them really helpful. […]!~Jen J.
Valuable resource for teaching upper elementary students about creating and maintaining healthy friendships. This resource reiterates themes from The Responsive Counselor’s Healthy Friendships Small Group for girls (i.e. friendship fence lines). […]” ~ Alanna P.
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What others are saying...

“I love all the resources from the Responsive Counselor and this one is no different! 2-5 graders have a difficult time with friendships. I used this as a whole group lesson and then follow up with small groups for the students who are still struggling. Thank you so much for another great resource! “

“This was the perfect lesson to use with my 4th grade students at the end of the year! They were having a little bit of drama and this really helped to talk about healthy relationship characteristics! “

“This was a great resource! I used this in April to review healthy friendships and I plan to use it every September so I can refer to it throughout the year. This resource encouraged A LOT of discussion with the kids!”
