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Ignoring Distractions and Staying Focused Lesson Plan: Using Self-Talk


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One of my top requested lessons is on staying focused by identifying and ignoring distractions. While most students are taught to ignore, explicitly teaching them self-talk gives them the tools to do so!
This lesson plan (ASCA and CASEL aligned) includes a set of two types of scripts for 7 different common scenarios in upper elementary school that distract our students plus an intro video, mini-poster, and exit ticket. Here are some options for how to use the scripts:
Option A: Pick a few to act out with you and some strong readers in class.
Option B: Place the students in small groups, give them scripts and about 10 minutes to “prepare”, and then ask them to perform the skit for the group.
Option C: Each scenario is a different center with 4 copies of the script. Groups rotate through and at each one they chorally read the scenario and then each read the self-talk portion of the script aloud individually.


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What others are saying...

“This interactive lesson kept my 2nd graders engaged and thinking about how the things we tell ourselves affect how we feel and behave. GREAT SEL lesson on self-talk!”

“I keep getting more and more students who have executive functioning weaknesses. This resource was exactly what I was looking for to look for to help my student.”

“Thank you for the amazing lesson on staying focused and ignoring distractions!”
