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Hands-On I-Messages and Conflict Resolution Activity


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Of all of the conflict resolution strategies, Talk it Out or I-Messages or I-Statements are my absolute favorite. These puzzles are an engaging way to practice these and are both hands-on and visual! Pre-readers/emerging readers can still use these because they include visuals for each step. It is such an incredible tool in promoting a positive classroom climate, teaching problem solving, and developing healthy social skills.



• 6 emotions pieces (sad, mad, frustrated, disappointed, worried, and confused)

• 15 problem (“When you…”) pieces

• 10 solution (“Could you please…?”) pieces, one generic and 9 specific

• Template board

• Easy prep version with fewer cuts!



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What others are saying...

“This was a great resource for a social studies unit on conflict resolution! My students really enjoyed putting the puzzles together to find solutions to problems they often have!”

“Great activity to reinforce ‘Talk it Out’ with Kelso’s choices!”

“I used these puzzle as a reinforcement after learning how to solve small problems. The students were really engaged and quite the conversation came out from using it.”
