Of all of the conflict resolution strategies (or Kelso’s Choices!), “Talk it Out” or “I-Messages” or “I-Statements” are my absolute favorite. It is such an incredible tool in promoting a positive classroom climate, teaching problem solving, and developing healthy social skills.
This product bundles two different sets of task cards for teaching, modeling, and practicing I-messages. These are also an excellent part of a classroom using restorative practices because they provide students practice with affective statements before an actual problem arises.
A written out lesson plan is included. Both are also available separately in the links below.
• The 42 Pre-Written “Talk it Out”/I-Message Statement Cards are ideal for scaffolding the beginning development of these skills. I like to use these in a modified Quiz, Quiz, Trade (or more of a Read, Read, Trade!) activity but they could also work in concentric circles or any other way you choose.
• The 48 Conflict Scenario/Situation Task Cards give students the chance to practice coming up with their own I-messages and can be used with scoot, white boards, centers, as exit tickets, with board games, or in any other way task cards are used. I frequently give copies of these to teachers to use in class meetings to reinforce and review these skills.
These are great to use with or without Kelso’s Choices. I use the cards in my whole group lessons, small group sessions, and individual counseling.