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Worry Game – CBT Strategies for Coping With Anxiety


Grades: , , ,


This worry game was created to help children with anxiety process their experience and practice coping skills. The prompts are CBT-based to align it with what research shows works. It was designed to be used as an individual counseling activity for anxiety or as a worry group activity.
The game is fun to play more than one time because players are unlikely to get the same prompts more than once, and there is choice within the game to mix it up as well. The fantasy-adventure theme adds an extra dose of fun!
Players travel along the paths, collecting gems to reverse the worry spell cast by an evil dragon. To earn the gems, they must practice coping skills, talk about their worries, generate helpful thoughts in worrisome situations, and challenge cognitive distortions.
Here’s what’s included:
  • Directions to play the game cooperatively OR competitively
  • Game board (2 page and 4 page options)
  • Fire cards (16 – like chance cards)
  • Gem cards (20 cards with 60 total prompts)
  • Playing pieces
  • Spinner
  • “Gems”
  • All pages in full color and black & white
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