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Anger Management Activities


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This anger management counseling curriculum is the perfect resource for helping kids who struggle with anger. It’s full of CBT worry activities for middle to upper elementary students. Use it as a tier 3 individual counseling intervention! Want to use for an anger management small group? You can use it for that, too, but you may need to use two sessions for some of the activities.


Here’s why it rocks:

⭐Completely scripted so you can feel confident and prepared going into each session

⭐The objectives are entirely research-based

⭐Hands-on activities without worksheets to maximize engagement in the counseling process and connection between student and counselor

⭐Multiple options for (simple!) data collection and analysis


Who is this resource for?

❤️Counselors, social workers, and psychologists serving students struggling with moderate levels of generalized or social anxiety.

❤️It is recommended for children in 2nd-5th grade, but you know your students’ developmental levels and capabilities best. Some elements of this resource may not be a great fit for all second graders.


Can I use it with groups?

Yes, you totally can. Two caveats, though: 1) you would likely not be able to get through everything for each session and 2) you wouldn’t be able to process as much as you would using it individually.


☀️Open the preview to see what’s inside!☀️


This resource includes:

✅Eight complete sessions, including one focused on rapport building and one for termination

✅Two weekly check-in options

✅Parent, teacher, and student pre/post surveys

✅Teacher and student progress monitoring forms

✅Weekly parent notes

✅All color pages are also included in black and white.


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What others are saying...

This is a great curriculum that really breaks down the different components of developing anger management (what is anger, what triggers lead to anger thoughts and behaviors, how to calm the body/mind, etc.). It is very CBT-based. ~Helen N.

This resource has been amazing! My students have really benefitted from learning about where their anger stems from and how to cope. ~Sara M. 
