Of all of the conflict resolution strategies (or Kelso’s Choices), Talk it Out or I-Messages (I-Statements) are my absolute favorite. This animated and interactive PowerPoint is a no to low prep lesson for engaging your students and teaching them this skill! It is such an incredible tool in promoting a positive classroom climate, teaching problem solving, and developing healthy social skills. These are also an excellent part of a classroom using restorative practices because they provide students practice with affective statements before an actual problem arises.
PowerPoint lesson includes:
• Instruction in the three pieces of an I-message (“I feel”, “when you”, and “Could you please”)
• Slides about appropriate tone of voice and body language in delivering an I-message
• Examples of how to respond to I-messages
• Structured practice activities
***Slide 28 can be used for practicing with these pre-written statements (not included) or your own. Simply delete this slide if you don’t want to do this piece/your students don’t need this scaffolding – the lesson still flows great!
Open up the preview to see the PPT in action (at warp speed)!
*PowerPoint with animations included for PowerPoint on PCs and MACs. PowerPoint without animations included to upload onto Google Slides(TM)*