Coping Skills Lessons and Activities Bundle


Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.60.

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This resource is a three lesson unit all about coping skills! It starts by introducing students to coping skills and gaining their investment in them. The next coping skills lesson gives structured practice with different coping skills they might use and school. And the final coping skills activity is a set of scripts students can act out (or just read in groups) to show what coping skills look like in the real world!

Who is this resource for?

  • School counselors, school social workers, classroom teachers – anyone delivering SEL lessons!
  • It is recommended for students in 2nd-5th grades, but you know your students’ developmental levels and capabilities best

***Open the preview to see what’s inside!***

Each lesson includes:

  • Hook/opener
  • Slideshow
  • Partner or small group practice activity
  • Worksheet
  • Closing questions and exit tickets

Also included: Coping skills/calm corner visuals and directions, coping skills/calm corner printable tools


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Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.60.